8 Best Human Rights Videos recommended by Amnesty International
Some of these videos were made by Amnesty International, some of them were made by other organizations. Some seek to educate viewers on human rights issues and others aim to inspire people to take action to defend human rights around the world.
8. Standing up for freedom
This short animated video was commissioned by Amnesty International USA to mark Amnesty’s 50th anniversary back in 2011. As the text reads, ‘We have been standing up for freedom for the last 50 years but we still have a long way to go. Be a voice for human rights. Join Us’.
7. Human Rights
This series of animated video clips for human rights education offers a broad overview of different human rights issues. This is a perfect introduction for a beginner interested in learning about the basics of human rights! It was made by the German non-profit organization E-politik.de.
6. Morgan Freeman: The Power of Words
This compelling video on the importance of people speaking out for human rights stars Morgan Freeman and was a Webby Award winner! Definitely a good video to inspire us to take action and stand up for human rights.
5. Everybody – Universal Declaration of Human Rights
This short video on the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is designed for young children aged 5 or over. It complements a book and activities for those pupils who want to learn more. It was made by Amnesty UK.
4. The Cure en Paraguay – promociona una campaña de Amnistía Internacional en su gira por Sudamérica (The Cure in Paraguay promotes an Amnesty International Campaign in their South American tour)
This video shows the popular band “The Cure” promoting the My Body My Rights campaign in Paraguay. In a concert which was attended by many Amnesty activists, they asked the public to stand up with them to support the campaign. We gave this video extra points because we believe that when world-renowned pop stars stand up for human rights this can be incredibly inspirational for people all around the world. Go The Cure! It was made by Amnesty International Paraguay in 2013.
3. Les petits soldats de la paix
This beautiful documentary on child soldiers from the Kivu conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo raises important questions concerning what comes next for these child soldiers, by showing the life of a local organisation that gives these children a second chance at having a decent life. It was made in 2011 with the support of Amnesty International.
2. I talk out loud
This video shares the story of an Amnesty Youth Group at Eastlea School in east London and their campaign to end stoning in Iran. The Eastlea School students talk about their experience during this campaign, which included a protest in front of the Iranian embassy in London, in this inspiring demonstration of young people standing up for human rights. It was made by Amnesty International UK in 2012.
1. When you don’t exist
‘When you don’t exist’ is a two-minute video, showing an ‘alternative reality’ where Europeans are the ones undertaking a dangerous journey to reach Africa, only to be detained at immigration centres and be refused entrance at the border. It uses powerful imagery to challenge our perspective on the human reality of experiences of migration, and make us more aware of the situation that many migrants and refugees face when trying to reach European borders. It was made by Amnesty International in 2012.
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Die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte vom 10. Dezember 1948 definiert Rechte, die allen Menschen von Geburt an uneingeschränkt zustehen. Mit dem "Internationalen Tag der Menschenrechte" erinnern die Vereinten Nationen daran, dass diese Rechte weltweit immer wieder verletzt werden – Menschenrechtlern zufolge hat sich die Situation in den vergangenen Jahren verschlechtert.
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